BCX Ultra Rife Machine - Deluxe Pkgs

  • BCX Ultra Deluxe - Standard Pkg
  • BCX Ultra Deluxe - PEMF Pkg
  • BCX Ultra Deluxe - Blaster Pkg
  • BCX Ultra Deluxe - BEAM Pkg
  • BCX Ultra Deluxe - FIR Pkg
  • BCX Ultra Deluxe - FaceLift Pkg
  • BCX Ultra Deluxe - Detox Pkg
Spring Sale
up to $200 OFF ends 3/31
FREE Practitioner Session Premium Support 60-Day Return
bcx delux std pkg

BCX Ultra DELUXE Unit (110-220v, 4Mhz) 3yr wrnty, 60 day return
w Std Access. (plasma raytubes,brass cylinders,SS footplates,gel pads)

OPTION: Upg to Life Warranty (BCX Ultra unit only) ($350)

DISCs & PAY OPTIONS (0% or ~$72 mo )

- $100 off  w cash (echeck/wire). Request Instructions
- OR buy multiple units & get discount contact us

PAYPAL PAY LATER (0% financing or as low as ~$72 mo.) OR 2) leasing details

For a list of optional payment methods details

bcx delux std mat pkg

BCX Ultra DELUXE Unit (110-220v, 4Mhz) 3yr wrnty, 60 day return
 • w Std Access. (plasma raytubes,brass cylinders,SS footplates,gel pads)
 • w PEMF MAT & Conc. w PEMF-BCX box:
    - PEMF Rife Mat (6ft x 2.5ft) & PEMF Concentrator details

OPTION: Upg to Life Warranty (BCX Ultra unit only) ($350)

DISCs & PAY OPTIONS(0%,~$94 mo)

- $100 off  w cash (echeck/wire). Request Instructions
- OR buy multiple units & get discount contact us

PAYPAL PAY LATER (0% financing or as low as ~$94 mo.) OR 2) leasing details

For a list of optional payment methods details


BCX Ultra DELUXE Unit (110-220v, 4Mhz) 3yr wrnty, 60 day return
 • w 2 Beam Tubes (300w, 4Mhz, Nobles Gas, 360 deg. coverage)
 • BCX Blaster Box
OPTION: Upg to Life Warranty (BCX Ultra unit only) ($350)
OPTION: Upg w Std Access. (plasma ray tubes, brass cylinders, SS footplates, gel pads)

DISCs & PAY OPTIONS (0% or ~$72 mo )

- $100 off  w cash (echeck/wire). Request Instructions
- OR buy multiple units & get discount contact us

PAYPAL CREDIT (0% financing or as low as ~$122 mo.) OR 2) leasing details

For a list of optional payment methods details

bcx deluxe beam pkg

BCX Ultra DELUXE Unit (110-220v, 4Mhz) 3yr wrnty, 60 day return
w Beam Tube (150w, 4MHz, Noble Gas): High Power/Frequency Plasma BeamTube details
w Std Access. (plasma raytubes,brass cylinders,SS footplates,gel pads)

OPTION: Upg. to Life Warranty (BCX Ultra unit only) ($350)

DISCs & PAY OPTIONS (0%,~$122 mo )

- $100 off  w cash (echeck/wire). Request Instructions
- OR buy multiple units & get discount contact us

PAYPAL PAY LATER (0% financing or as low as ~$122 mo.) OR 2) leasing details

For a list of optional payment methods details

bcx deluxe stdfir pkg

BCX Ultra DELUXE Unit (110-220v, 4Mhz) 3yr wrnty, 60 day return
w Std Access Pkg (plasma raytubes,brass cylinders,SS footplates,gel pads)
w FAR Infrared Mat (17" x 27.5" x 1/2") details

OPTION: Upg to Lifetime Warranty (BCX Ultra unit only) ($350)

DISCs & PAY OPTIONS (0%,~$96 24 mo)

- $100 off  w cash (echeck/wire). Request Instructions
- OR buy multiple units & get discount contact us

PAYPAL PAY LATER (0% financing or as low as ~$96 mo.) OR 2) leasing details

For a list of optional payment methods details

bcx deluxe std facelift pkg

BCX Ultra DELUXE Unit (110-220v, 4Mhz) 3yr wrnty, 60 day return
w Std Access Pkg (plasma raytubes,brass cylinders,SS footplates,gel pads)
w Facelift Accessories Pkg:
    HP BLUE & RED LED + Microcurrent Facelift Wand w Facelift Manual Guide details

OPTION: Upg to Life Warranty  (BCX Ultra unit only) (only $350)

DISCs & PAY OPTIONS (0%,$88 mo)

- $100 off  w cash (echeck/wire). Request Instructions
- OR buy multiple units & get discount contact us

PAYPAL PAY LATER (0% financing or as low as ~$88 mo.) OR 2) leasing details

For a list of optional payment methods details

bcx deluxe std detox pkg

BCX Ultra DELUXE Unit (110-220v, 4Mhz) 3yr wrnty, 60 day return
w Std Access Pkg (plasma raytubes,brass cylinders,SS footplates,gel pads)
w Optimum ES1550i Detox unit (3.00 AMPS)

OPTION: Upg to Lifetime Warranty for BCX unit ($350)
OPTION: Upg to Optimum Professional ES8000i unit (5.50 Amps)
OPTION: Upg to 100% Copper tub (amplify conductivity)

DISCs & PAY OPTIONS(0%,~$96 mo)

- $100 off  w cash (echeck/wire). Request Instructions
- OR buy multiple units & get discount contact us

PAYPAL PAY LATER (0% financing or as low as ~$96 mo.) OR 2) leasing details

For a list of optional payment methods details


BCX Ultra Rife Machine


LONGEST PRODUCING RIFE MANUFACTURER, over 26+yrs starting w the Biotec 2000,BCX211/BCX411. Each year we invest thousands in R & D. We stand behind our products w our 60 day return & 3 yr warranty (upgrade to Life). Our units are produced & serviced in USA. Some rife devices are made & serviced in China. 

TECHNOLOGY: We use Crystal circuitry board technology to get an exact frequency and we have the fastest surge rate of any unit. BCX Ultra: 150ns 1Hz to 4MHz . What does a faster surge rate translate to? It means better results for killing off organisms.

INDIVIDUALLY CALIBRATED: Flawless craftsmanship & built with top quality parts. BCX products are made in the USA. Our technicians test & calibrate each unit before it is shipped to you. We ensure the BCX Ultra devices have the highest accuracy & resolution as detailed in our technical specs for all BCX products including BCX accessories.



WAVE TYPES: Widest Range of Wave Types including our exclusive Square 'Pulse' Wave. Wave Types are imperative to kill of organisms and here is why details . No other rife machine has this many. Our unique 'Square Pulse Wave' pulses a Square Wave. We have found this to be more effective than a Standard Square Wave with better results being seen with pathogens die off.

HOW BCX ULTRA GENERATES WAVEFORMS: (no other rife does) A fundamental difference w BCX Ultra & other rifes is how the BCX generates waveforms. They use DSP (only produces Squarewaves & round off for Sinewave). The BCX Ultra uses entirely different electronics with 3 Microprocessors each creating an Arbitrary Waveform (exact creation of naturally occurring & incidentally occurring waveforms)

HIGH FREQUENCY RANGE: The BCX Runs ALL ORIGINAL RIFE Frequencies. BCX Ultra runs from 1Hz up to 4MHz for both the Frequency & Carrier Wave. If a rife device does not have a radio carrier wave then it cannot run Rife's Original frequencies. NOTE: 4MHz is enough to run ALL Rife's Original & Current Day Frequencies

RADIO CARRIER WAVE: Carrier Wave & Gating Wave. A Radio Carrier wave is absolutely necessary in order to carrier the frequency wave deep in to the body. If a unit does not have a Radio Carrier wave then it is not as effective and cannot run Rife's Original frequencies. Royal Rife's unit used a powerful Radio Carrier wave.

BCX Ultra Waves

BCX Ultra Accessories


Accessories: Widest Range of POWERFUL Accessories both inductive & conductive. BCX accessories range from Plasma, Leds, PEMF, FIR, Facelift, Microcurrent, & Electrodes. We have the most powerful beam tube on the market outputting 150 watts! No other rife machine has this many accessories.

Plasma Raytubes: Our unique well known powerful Plasma Raytubes uses both conduction, induction & plasma gas, a powerful combination details w video. Our raytubes are made w noble gases (a proprietary mix of argon, krypton, xenon, neon). We do NOT use helium. A helium molecule is so small, the helium gas leaks from the glass tubes diminishing the power & light causing the tube to not last. We have done extensive research to come up w the proper gas mix to produce the optimal results & durability.

Run 3 Accessories: Exciting WIDEST Variety of Rife Accessories that connect w the BCX Ultra. You can combine up to 2 electrodes along w any other BCX accessory! No other rife device can do this. The BCX Ultra Lite can run electrodes & microcurrent garments simultaneously w the plasma tube.



Amplifier: Amplifier &  Frequency Generator are both built-in to our BCX Ultra unit. Our previous models were built separately. Some rife devices are cumbersome and have the unit and amplifier as 2 seperate units making it large and clugey or they simply dont have much power.

Sophisticated CHAINING: Select multiple programs to run per session. Great for running while you are sleeping and practitioners.

Sophisticated SWEEP both Carrier & Frequency  plus more (for more click on the section "Why BCX Sweep? ).

BCX Ultra Delivery Method: The BCX Ultra uses both induction & conduction methods for delivering rife frequencies used by Royal Rife and business partners (John Crane and John Marsh). For more details click on Learn More - Why Plasma Raytubes vs Electrodes.

BCX Ultra Features

BCX Ultra Support


Lifetime Support & FREE Practitioner Session w access to our Rife practitioners

Money-back Guarantee: 60 day Return, 3yr warranty (upgrade to Life) details

Upgrades: Any Software Upgrades, just send in your unit to get the latest &  greatest.


Plasma Induction

Dr. Rife used the 'induction' method by means of plasma ray beam tubes with all of his rife frequency devices.

Plasma Conduction

The BCX Ultra Plasma Raytubes is the evolution of Rife's plasma beamtube where it combines induction & conduction method of transmitting rife frequencies. The Plasma Raytubes use induction, however when both tubes are held, conduction kicks in where the power is more than doubled, transmitting from one tube through the body to the other tube. In fact power increases more than our stated 30 watts. Each Raytube operates at a different polarity (negative & positive) creating an electrical attraction between them. Stand-alone plasma Beam Tubes, including Rife's, are not capable of this.

Deeper Penetration

The BCX Ultra Plasma Ray Tubes deliver the rife frequencies deeper in to the body due to:

a. Both Induction & Conduction delivery (more details)

b. Plasma Raytubes output a signficantly higher voltage than metal electrodes.

c. The Magnetic Effect produced by gas-filled plasma raytubes with the radio carrier wave deliver deep in to the body. View demonstration verifying the BCX Ultra Plasma Raytubes Radio Carrier Wave click for proof

Soft Feeling

People prefer the "soft warm calming" feeling of the hand-held glass tubes vs the electrical tingly felt from the metal cylinders.

Combine Multiple Accessories

BCX Ultra Hand-held Ray Tubes can be combined with metal footplates and/or gel pads and/or metal cylinders (RUN 1 to 3 accessoires at once).. giving an amazing total body coverage and amplifying the results.

Targeted Application

When placing the BCX Ultra Hand-held Ray tubes on a specific targeted area the stronger & more effective the penetration.

Well Known & Popular

Our well known BCX Plasma Raytubes are made of a special proprietary mix of noble gases (argon, krypton, xenon, neon). We do NOT use helium since the helium molecule is so tiny causing the gas to leak from the glass tubes reducing the power, light & durability. From our extensive research, we have come up with the special gas mix producing the optimal results and longevity.

Glass Hand-Held Ray Tubes and Foot Plates

Hold the glass part of the tubes in the hands, under the arms, or in direct contact with the skin on any area of the body (see in action)

The glass raytubes can be used simultaneously with the footplates. This gives more frequency power into the body. Some people prefer to use the glass tubes alone.

Proof of Power

'Scalar waves are emissions that are not part of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. A few innovative researchers have evidence that some plasma devices emit scalar waves (as apparently did Royal Rife's instrument) - and that these scalar waves help regenerate the body as well as possibly devitalize pathogens...' Nenah Sylver PHD, The Rife Handbook (2011 Edition)

Video: POWER INCREASES when holding the BCX Plasma Raytubes (42w reading) more details

Misleading Information

Clarification on Misstatements Published by other Manufacturers on the BCX Ultra Hand Held Ray Tubes about how the BCX Ultra carries frequencies through the body. BCX Ultra Plasma Raytubes use Conduction, Induction, Radiation, however, the main method is Conduction. Below are simple tests for a lay person to prove the BCX uses conduction method. video demonstration

First: Lay both raytubes next to each other 4" apart. Notice the tubes glow dimly since there is a little conduction thru air. Then hold both tubes, one in each hand. Notice how bright they become! This completes the circuit through the body for full power of the raytubes. 

Second: Touch the raytubes & notice it gets brighter where you touch the glass, indicating the current is exiting the tube into the finger(s).

Third: Both you & a partner stand next to each other holding 1 raytube in outside hands w inside hands hanging down. Then touch wrists together. Notice the shock, as the cirrcut is completed. (Test is for those who want a strong sensual persuasion)

How does electricity go thru glass? Wikipedia. states. "The glass acts as a dielectric in a capacitor formed between the ionized gas and the hand." [1] Most of the power of the Hand-held Raytubes are emitted by Conduction, which is why they are held. Glass is an insulator, however with high frequencies, electricity passes right through it since it's dielectric characteristics change. It is an AC (alternating current) conductor and NOT a DC (direct current) conductor which as the previous stated tests prove it. Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_globe

conduction and induction chart


BCX Ultra uses both Induction & Conduction methods developed by Dr. Royal Rife (induction) & his two partners John Crane & John Marsh (conduction). The BCX Ultra is able to output Dr. Rife's frequencies.

BCX Ultra Plasma Raytubes uses both induction (like Rife's original equipment) & conduction. When both plasma raytubes are held, the power increases dramatically due to the conduction that occurrs when both tubes are touching the body. Each Plasma Raytube is operating at a different polarity, creating an electrical attraction between them running from one tube, thru the body to the other tube. This is an evolution of the Rife BeamTube which is incapable of this. video demo


The Induction method is where frequencies are delivered into the body using "Induction" non-contact method via plasma beamtube delivering a broad spectrum of energies. These energies range from visible light spectrum, conductive electron flow, electromagnetic fields, to electrostatic fields and more. "Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis" tests show proof that the rife frequencies do penetrate the body. The BCX Ultra High Powered Beamtube uses induction method.

The Conduction method is the direct-contact method of delivering frequencies through the body using electrical (a positive and a negative polarity) via the metal electrodes, used by John Crane & John Marsh. The 'Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis" tests also show frequencies delivered do pass through the skin and penetrate into the body. There drawback to using this method is the level of penetration. However if you use a RF radio carrier wave. the low audio frequencies will also penetrate cells. For this reason, the BCX Ultra has a carrier wave (1hz - 4 Mhz) for electrodes/BT-HFPCM2 beamtube & 100,000 Hz for the BCX Ultra Plasma Raytubes.
NOTE: Some researchers have evidence some plasma devices emit scalar waves (apparently Royal Rife's did). Scalar waves help to regenerate & also devitalize pathogens- Nenah Sylver PHD, The Rife Handbook

conduction and induction art demo
brass pipes


BCX Ultra BRASS Cylinders: Brass (composed of Copper & Zinc) is the metal that brings out natural benefits. Brass has metaphysical healing properties to boost the immune system. It can amplify the flow of life energy within the body and help in calming thoughts and emotions. It is capable of grounding without draining precious energy and encourages the physical/emotional bodies to find alignment. It' s mineral make up, encourages the balance between warm sun energy and cool lunar energy.

BCX ULTRA PLASMA RAYTUBES 'Misleading Information'

Clarification on Misstatements by other Manufacturers on the BCX Ultra Plasma Ray Tubes about how the BCX Ultra carries frequencies through the body. BCX Ultra Plasma Raytubes use Conduction, Induction, Radiation, however, the main method is Conduction. Below are simple tests for a lay person to prove the BCX uses conduction method. video demo

1. Lay both raytubes next to each other 4" apart. Notice the tubes glow dimly since there is a little conduction thru air. Then hold both tubes, one in each hand. Notice how bright they become! This completes the circuit through the body for full power of the raytubes. 
2. Touch the raytubes & notice it gets brighter where you touch the glass, indicating the current is exiting the tube into the finger(s). 
3. Both you & a partner stand next to each other holding 1 raytube in outside hands w inside hands hanging down. Then touch wrists together. Notice the shock, as the cirrcut is completed. (Test is for those who want a strong sensual persuasion)
How does electricity go thru glass? Wikipedia - "Glass acts as a dielectric in a capacitor formed between the ionized gas and the hand." [1] Most of the Raytubes energy is transmitted by Conduction, which is why they touch the body. Glass is an insulator however at high frequencies, electricity passes through it because it's dielectric characteristics. It is NOT a DC conductor, but it IS as an AC conductor as the tests above prove. 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_globe

misinformation on BCX
BCX Handheld Plasma Raytubes
bcx handheld ray tubes - Carrier: 1 to 100,000Hz carrier frequency
- Frequency: 1 to 100,000Hz w all BCX wave forms
- Wave Type: (all BCX wave forms)
- Power: 30 watts & Variable Intensity
- Noble Gas: argon,krypton, xenon,neon, NO helium
- Addtl Hw: connects to the BCX Ultra Deluxe unit
- Cost: incl w BCX Ultra Standard Packages
- Order Info


Plasma Induction

Dr. Rife used the 'induction' method by means of plasma ray beam tubes with all of his rife frequency devices.

Plasma Conduction

The BCX Ultra Plasma Raytubes is the evolution of Rife's plasma beamtube where it combines induction & conduction method of transmitting rife frequencies. The Plasma Raytubes use induction, however when both tubes are held, conduction kicks in where the power is more than doubled, transmitting from one tube through the body to the other tube. In fact power increases more than our stated 30 watts. Each Raytube operates at a different polarity (negative & positive) creating an electrical attraction between them. Stand-alone plasma Beam Tubes, including Rife's, are not capable of this.

Deeper Penetration

The BCX Ultra Plasma Ray Tubes deliver the rife frequencies deeper in to the body due to:

a. Both Induction & Conduction delivery (more details)

b. Plasma Raytubes output a signficantly higher voltage than metal electrodes.

c. The Magnetic Effect produced by gas-filled plasma raytubes with the radio carrier wave deliver deep in to the body. View demonstration verifying the BCX Ultra Plasma Raytubes Radio Carrier Wave click for proof

Soft Feeling

People prefer the "soft warm calming" feeling of the hand-held glass tubes vs the electrical tingly felt from the metal cylinders.

Combine Multiple Accessories

BCX Ultra Hand-held Ray Tubes can be combined with metal footplates and/or gel pads and/or metal cylinders (RUN 1 to 3 accessoires at once).. giving an amazing total body coverage and amplifying the results.

Targeted Application

When placing the BCX Ultra Hand-held Ray tubes on a specific targeted area the stronger & more effective the penetration.

Well Known & Popular

Our well known BCX Plasma Raytubes are made of a special proprietary mix of noble gases (argon, krypton, xenon, neon). We do NOT use helium since the helium molecule is so tiny causing the gas to leak from the glass tubes reducing the power, light & durability. From our extensive research, we have come up with the special gas mix producing the optimal results and longevity.

Glass Hand-Held Ray Tubes and Foot Plates

Hold the glass part of the tubes in the hands, under the arms, or in direct contact with the skin on any area of the body (see in action)

The glass raytubes can be used simultaneously with the footplates. This gives more frequency power into the body. Some people prefer to use the glass tubes alone.

Proof of Power

'Scalar waves are emissions that are not part of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. A few innovative researchers have evidence that some plasma devices emit scalar waves (as apparently did Royal Rife's instrument) - and that these scalar waves help regenerate the body as well as possibly devitalize pathogens...' Nenah Sylver PHD, The Rife Handbook (2011 Edition)

Video: POWER INCREASES when holding the BCX Plasma Raytubes (42w reading) more details

Misleading Information

Clarification on Misstatements Published by other Manufacturers on the BCX Ultra Hand Held Ray Tubes about how the BCX Ultra carries frequencies through the body. BCX Ultra Plasma Raytubes use Conduction, Induction, Radiation, however, the main method is Conduction. Below are simple tests for a lay person to prove the BCX uses conduction method. video demonstration

First: Lay both raytubes next to each other 4" apart. Notice the tubes glow dimly since there is a little conduction thru air. Then hold both tubes, one in each hand. Notice how bright they become! This completes the circuit through the body for full power of the raytubes. 

Second: Touch the raytubes & notice it gets brighter where you touch the glass, indicating the current is exiting the tube into the finger(s).

Third: Both you & a partner stand next to each other holding 1 raytube in outside hands w inside hands hanging down. Then touch wrists together. Notice the shock, as the cirrcut is completed. (Test is for those who want a strong sensual persuasion)

How does electricity go thru glass? Wikipedia. states. "The glass acts as a dielectric in a capacitor formed between the ionized gas and the hand." [1] Most of the power of the Hand-held Raytubes are emitted by Conduction, which is why they are held. Glass is an insulator, however with high frequencies, electricity passes right through it since it's dielectric characteristics change. It is an AC (alternating current) conductor and NOT a DC (direct current) conductor which as the previous stated tests prove it. Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_globe

TECHNICAL SPECS: for details click on 'SPECS' TAB above
BCX High Powered Beam Tube?
bcx double beam tube - Generates Plasma discharge and minor Electric Field
- Carrier: 4 MillionHz variable
- Frequency: 4 MillionHz
- Wave Form: (square, sine, etc.) Variable Intensity
- Power: 125 microjoules/pulse (150 watts, 4 MHz both carrier and frequency)
- Tube Type: Double bubble Tube
- Addtl HW: connects to BCX Ultra
- Cost: incl w BCX Ultra Beamtube Package or Order info

Our High Powered High Frequency beam tube is a stand-alone device. The number one reason people use this device is that they are hands free and is perfect for use while sleeping or running on multiple people. This device runs all of our built in prestored programs, sweeping programs and Rife's original frequencies since it runs the full range of BCX Ultra frequencies and carrier wave. Another reason is because of it is power, 150 watts!

bcx bt sellting bcx bt sellting b BCX Ultra BT-HFPCM seeing RF (Radio Frequencies) by Agilent Spectrum Analyzer in the air through a Radio Antenna: (BT-HFPCM is 3MHz)

TECHNICAL SPECS: for details click 'SPECS' TAB above
bcx led wands Ultra High Power LED Wand Model HW530A (Green):
Wavelength 530 nm
Intensity 435 Lumens
Ultra High Power LED Wand Model HW626A (Red):
Wavelength 626 nm
Intensity 255 Lumens
Ultra High Power LED Wand Model HW470A (Blue):
Wavelength 470 nm
Intensity 174 Lumens
- Cost: order info

bcx led wands 2 1. Wavelength for colored LED's ranges from long (infrared), to short (ultraviolet). White is a mixture of colors centered around a middle (color temperature).
2. Luminous Intensity is the most accurate indicator of LIGHT INTENSITY.
3. Beam width and Focal plane define the distance from the light source where the light is most even.
4. Luminous flux takes into account the area over which the light at a given intensity is spread, and is the best representation of the QUANTITY OF LIGHT emitted.
5. Power in watts is a poor representation of the light output. It actually only shows the electrical consumption of the device. For example, a 100 watt incandescent light bulb puts out the same amount of light as a 20 watt Compact Fluorescent bulb (CFL).

Our LEDs are now available in three colors: red, green and blue. They can be applied in a variety of ways including: on the eyes, in the navel, and on the skin. We offer 2 types of LEDs: High Powered LED and Standard LED

High Powered (HP) LEDs vs. Standard (Std) LEDs?
The HP LEDs are so high powered that a fan is needed to cool it down. We are hearing that the LEDs are doing some wonderful things for tendon injuries and other deeper tissue injuries. As with laser therapy the blue is used more for external problems such as infections on the skin. The blue will not penetrate very deep. The green is the highest powered and used for deep issues. The red will penetrate quite deep, but not as deep as the green. With deeper tissue issues most people will alternate between the red and green HP LEDs. We certainly are not claiming you will get the results as you would with a 10-20 thousand dollar laser. However, many issues will clear up just as well with our Std HP led. Do not stare at our HP LEDs. Only use our Std LEDs on the eye lids NEVER the HP LEDs.

It is stated that you can remove an allergic reaction by placing the offending food on the naval (in a baggie if needed) and hold the LEDs, Std or HP over the food and move it close to the skin moving in a clock wise direction only. Slowly move out the circular motion to 6 or 12 inches in diameter for about 2 minutes.

Application on the eyes
The green and red Std LEDs are applied alternately (green one day, red the next day, then green the following day, etc.). Hold the LED 1/4th inch away from an open eye, or directly on the lid of a closed eye. Start with 1 minute per frequency for each eye, working up to 5 minutes per frequency for each eye. This can be done twice a day.

Application in the navel

Red LEDs are applied directly in the navel to stimulate regeneration, for tonification and blood cleansing.

Application on the skin

GREEN LEDs are applied directly on the affected area of the skin for mutated cells and tumors. They can also be applied on acupuncture points.

BLUE LEDs are used for SARS and Acne, Psoriasis (click for studies) and more. Apply directly on the affected area.

RED LEDs are applied directly to the area for pain for relief

All frequencies are applicable for use with LEDs.
** Brain cell/tissue repair ...................2128
Endorphin Stimulation for pain relief and relaxation ......2.5
Eyesight, to improve.................................. see frequency manual
*Mutated cells, to shrink abnormal growth........ 17024
Pain and inflammation, irritation............ 1, 123
Seratonin stimulation for pain relief...2.5+80
Tissue repair........................................266
* This frequency is to be used 3 minutes in combination with 1 Hz. for 7 minutes, and 266 Hz. for 5 minutes.
** This frequency is to be used 3 minutes in combination with 1 Hz. for 7 minutes, and 123 Hz. for 5 minutes.

TECHNICAL SPECS: for details click 'SPECS' TAB above

BCX PEMF Mat & Concentrator
pemf rife mat PEMF Rife Mat
- Runs Rife Frequencies and Earth Frequencies
- Frequencies: Modulated 1 to 100hz
- Wave Forms: (square, sine, etc.)
- Variable Intensity, 47 gauss 

- Cost: incl w BCX Ultra Std Mat Package or order info

pemf rife concentrator PEMF Rife Concentrator
- Runs Rife Frequencies and Earth Frequencies
- Frequencies: Modulated 1 to 100hz
- Wave Forms: (square, sine, etc.)
- Variable Intensity, 350 gauss

Potential Benefits:

  • • Improved macro (blood vessels dilating ) and micro (increased capillary blood flow) circulation
  • • Increased partial oxygen pressure
  • • Improving blood's ability to transport oxygen to the red blood cells
  • • Improved cellular metabolism
  • • Strengthens immune system
  • • Healing and antimicrobial benefits of copper coils

"The first 3 times I used the mat, I could feel more energy going into my entire neck area where I have had stiffness and possible endocrine issues. My blood test later showed the T3 and T4 count to be normal after years of it being low. The second time, I could feel it in my sore left shoulder. It seemed that the energy was going to the area where my muscles have been in knots for a long time....

from lynda"

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy (PEMFT), also known as PEMF, pulse magnetotherapy, and pulsed magnetic therapy. PEMFT is a therapy technique used in many ways, for example in depression and orthopedics treating fusions, fractures. When dealing with bone healing, PEMF sends magnetic pulses through the tissue where the magnetic pulses sends an electrical signal stimulating cellular repair. Multiple studies have shown how effective PEMF is in healing wounds, reduces inflammation, alleviates pain and many other conditions. Trials have been conducted by rheumatologists, hospitals, neurologists and physiotherapists. Made w copper coils. Copper has antimicrobial effect.

Cassandra D. Salgado, MD explains:

"...that the antimicrobial effect of copper-alloy surfaces is a result of the metal stealing electrons from the bacteria when they come into contact with each other. "Once the bacteria donate the electrons to the copper metal, this places the organism into a state of electrical-charge deficit," she says. "As a consequence, free radicals are generated inside the cell, which ultimately leads to the cell’s death."
More information on PEMF Therapy
- Wikipedia Definition details
- Dr. Oz details
TECHNICAL SPECS: for details click 'Tech Info' TAB above

BCX Doug Coil
bcx doug coil bcx ultra Coming soon!
- Runs Rife Frequencies
- Frequencies: Modulated 10 to 6,000hz!
- Wave Forms:
- Variable Intensity,
- Power: 200 Gauss (.02 Tesla's) - Dimensions: 17" x 5-1/4" (depth 13"),
- Addtl Hw: connects to the BCX Ultra unit or stand-alone
- Cost: $TBD

      Potential Benefits:
  •       • Well known for a Lyme treatment
  •       • PEMF treatment and therapy benefits

BCX Ultra Doug Coil is a electromagnetic field generator. The most important factor in the BCX UItra Doug Coil is that we use state of the art 21'st century technology. We do not use banks of switches and lookup tables, no awkward maneuvering of the knob until a meter reads something, & no wires all over the place. The microprocessors in BCX Ultra Doug Coil automates the entire operation. Simple to use. You simply just run a prestored or custom program with all of our variable parameters. And, it is substantially lighter and smaller, and is actually portable. Doesn't need a furniture dolly or hand truck, it's not made of plywood, and it doesn't have wheels! The front of our unit is 17" x 5-1/4" (depth 13").

Why BCX Ultra Doug Coil vs Others: The coil is adjustable in angle. We have a different way to provide cooling using only 1 coil for full frequency range instead of using 2 other coils like others do for different sets of frequency ranges. We provide the same power as others, except across the entire frequency range. Main key differences:

  • Coil Design: The BCX Ultra Doug Coil has a unique coil that operates at both low and high frequencies. Other Doug Coil machines require different coils to operate at low and high frequencies.
  • Frequency Range: The BCX Ultra Doug Coil has a unique design which operates from 10Hz to 6,000 Hz. Other Doug Coil machines have a limited operating frequency range.
  • Cooling Design: The BCX Ultra Doug Coil has a unique construction which substantially reduces heat. Other Doug Coil machines coils get hot after a short period of time. 
TECHNICAL SPECS: for details click 'Tech Info' TAB above

BCX Facelift Accessories
bcx ultra face accessories - Runs Rife Frequencies
- Frequencies: 1Hz to 4,000,000hz!
- Wave Forms: all
- Variable Intensity,
- Addtl Hw: connects to the BCX Ultra unit
- Cost: order info

Potential Benefits: Wrinkle reducing, facelift
Cosmetic Facial Rejuvenation Electrotherapy, High Powered LED and Frequency System

BCX Ultra Facelift Accessories delivers professional results for facial toning and skin rejuvenation incorporating a revolutionary proprietary 3 level treatment that includes the use of microcurrent, LED's and frequencies.
Cosmetic electrotherapy is used in the spa industry and is a beauty treatment that outputs low electric currents, or microcurrents, penetrating the skin producing age defying results known as a "non-surgical facelift". The microcurrent is delivered through BCX hand held facelift electrodes which are applied directly to the face, neck or any other desired areas. The facelift wands produce skin sensations that are barely noticable. The underuse of our facial muscles causes the skin to sag over time. The micro-electric currents trigger these facial muscles to fire increasing muscle tone, tightening and regenerates the skin. The BCX Ultra facelift accessories also rejuvenates damaged skin due to sunburn, acne, stretch marks, cellulite and even scarring. Just after several treatments, you will see improvements in:

  • • Facial circulation
  • • Skin exfoliation
  • • Lymphatic drainage
  • • Product penetration
  • • Smoother skin
  • • Improve sun damaged skin and pigmentation
  • • Increase the facial cellular health

The BCX Ultra facial accessories then increases the skin rejuvenating effects from the first level of treatment of microcurrents by combining it with high powered LED’s. The healing benefits of the LED (light emitting diodes) have been proven to penetrate ~ one inch into soft tissue and can even move through the meridians. The compact and light weight high powered LED’s, emit infrared light which is great for increases cellular metabolism, accelerating healing.
The HP LEDs are available in 2 therapeutic colors which promote an array of skin enhancing benefits. Exclusively created for the BCX Ultra unit, these LEDs improve facial toning and reduces fine lines/wrinkles after just a few treatments. The anti-aging Red LED boosts collagen production resulting in skin plumping and recontouring of facial features and promotes the following:

  • • Diminished wrinkles
  • • Increased collagen and elastin production
  • • Smoother skin
  • • Rejuvenation of skin tone
  • • Reduction in redness

The High Powered Blue LED is extremely effective in destroying acne bacteria that leads to acne break outs. After several treatments, there will be a dramatic improvement in the quality of skin. Blue LED helps withl:

  • • Reduce blemishes & acne
  • • Minimize pore size
  • • Prevent future break outs
  • • Promote clearer skin

The flagship of our unique, innovative technology is the third level of the non-surgical facelift treatment which is the application of almost limitless, programmable frequencies that run through our unique BCX facelift accessories, the hand-held microcurrent electrodes & the high powered LED’s. No other device on the market incorporates this technology. Frequencies that have been proven to be succesful for a myriad of disorders or issues are incorporated in this treatment. The benefits of these frequencies have been proven efficacious and are perfectly safe for thousands of disorders. Unlike any other device on the market, the BCX Ultra rife frequency machine is world renowned for its capabilities in frequency output range (1Hz to 4 MHz.), frequency accuracy, and power. Superior results require superior technology. Only the BCX Ultra delivers unparalleled quality for non-invasive cosmetic facial rejuvenation & toning.

TECHNICAL SPECS: for details click 'Tech Info' TAB above

BCX Microcurrent Accessories?

bcx ultra accessories - Runs Rife Frequencies
- Frequencies: 1Hz to 4,000,000hz!
- Wave Forms: all
- Variable Intensity,
- Addtl Hw: connects to the BCX Ultra unit
- Cost: order info

Potential Benefits: Increased Healing, Increased Circulation, Reduce pain/inflammation & more

BCX Ultra Microcurrent Accessories delivers microcurrent therapy.
Your body's different tissue type have their own signature electrical frequencies, which can be disrupted by diseases or infujuries. Microcurrent therapy restores the cells' frequencies, resulting in improvements in inflammation, pain and healing. Microcurrent therapy increases in the cells' ATP, which is the energy that fuels all biochemical functions in the human body. Microcurrent therapy can also increase protein synthesis, which is needed for tissue repair. Increase in blood flow and decrease in inflammation then reduces pain and spasms, as well as increased range of motion and functionality. promotes growth of new healthy cells and stimulates the immune system. It also can promote DNA synthesis activation of T-Lymphocytes, Calcium Channel Opening, and Fibroblastic Activation.

TECHNICAL SPECS: for details click 'Tech Info' TAB above

BCX FIR Accessory

bcx ultra accessories - Runs Rife Frequencies
- Frequencies: 1hz to 10,000hz!
- Wave Forms: all
- Variable Intensity,
- Addtl Hw: connects to the BCX Ultra unit
- Cost: incl w BCX Ultra STD FIR Package or order info

Potential Benefits:  Increased healing, circulation & pain relief

FAR Infrared Heat therapy (FIR), Pure Far-infrared by Active Carbon Fibers™ delivers ultimate soothing warmth throughout your entire body. Each carbon fiber emits bio-genetic waves of far-infrared across most of the internal arch surface of the dome as it gets excited with an electric current. It feels soft, relaxing, pleasant, and refreshing, which you might not have experienced from any other heat source yet.

WHAT IS FAR INFRARED (FIR) It is a specific wave length of light from the sun. Among the rays coming from the sun, the FIR waves are the safest and the most beneficial. What exactly is radiant heat? No need to worry - it has nothing to do with either ultraviolet radiation (which gives you a sunburn and damages your skin) or atomic radiation (the kind from a nuclear bomb). Radiant heat is simply a form of energy that heats objects directly through a process called conversion, without having to heat the air in between. Radiant heat is also called infrared energy (IR). The infrared segment of the electromagnetic spectrum is divided into three segments by wave length, measured in microns or micrometers (a micron = 1/1,000,000 meter); .076-1.5 microns = near or close; 1.5-5.6 = middle or intermediate; 5.6-1000 = far or long-wave infrared. The infrared segment of the electromagnetic spectrum occurs just below or "infra" to red light as the next lowest energy band of light. This band of light is not visible to human eyes but can be seen by special cameras that translate infrared into colors visible to our eyes. We can, however, feel this type of light which we perceive as heat. Our sun produces most of its energy output in the infrared segment of the spectrum. Our atmosphere has a "window" in it that allows FIR rays in the 7-14 micron range to safely reach the earth's surface. When warmed, the earth radiates infrared rays in the 7-14 micron band with its peak output at 10 microns.

Why is this Infrared system unique? It uses infrared radiant energy to directly penetrate the body's tissues to a depth of over 1-1/2". Its energy output is tuned to correspond so closely to the body's own radiant energy that our bodies absorb close to 93% of the infrared waves that reach our skin.

One of the reasons FIR has beneficial results in a variety of illnesses is the ability of FIR waves to remove toxins, which are often at the core of many health problems. Numerous toxins are stored in our bodies. Toxic gases may be encapsulated by clusters of water. Where these toxins are accumulated, blood circulation is blocked and cellular energy is impaired. When a 10 micron FIR wave is applied to these large water molecules, the water begins to vibrate, which reduces the ion bonds of the atoms which are holding together the molecules of water. As the breakdown of the water molecules occurs, encapsulated gases and other toxic materials are released.


Elevates the temperature of subcutaneous layers, thus expanding blood capillaries, stimulating blood circulation, increasing metabolism between blood and tissue, promoting tissue regeneration and reducing cramping.
Penetrates 4-5 centimeters into the dermis (middle layer of skin) from muscles into blood vessels, lymphatic glands and nerves.
Affects every living cell and produces warmth. Through this cell tissue" micro-friction" and the vibration of molecular resonance, chemicals within cells are activated.
The warming effect is helpful in eliminating such things as the waste products generated by aging, heavy metals and toxic substances, which are then secreted by the sweat and dermis-layer fat glands.
Adjusts the autonomic nerve function and reduces the over-stimulation of sensory nerves.
• Far Infrared emits photons
• Photons help release enzymes
• Enzymes stimulate macrophage activity increasing the elimination of damaged and diseased tissues
• Nitric oxide is released which expands capillaries and increases circulation
• Dramatically increases healing and regeneration.
Pain Relief
• Reduces joint stiffness, inflammation
• And much more
Treatments generally last 20 minutes to an hour, but it does not hurt to use it longer. Initially, relief is only temporary, but with repeated treatments the duration of relief becomes longer and eventually becomes lasting.

TECHNICAL SPECS: for details click 'Tech Info' TAB above

Product dimensions:
Control unit-11.0"x8.0"x3.0", 2.5 lbs
Frequency Generator and 18 watt Amplifier
Power input:
Plugs into 120-240VAC
50/60Hz Power Source
Provides power to various
Output devices
Can be used any where in the world.
ELectrodes (metal hand cylinders, metal footplates, gel pads)
conduction device (BCX Ultra Deluxe & BCX Ultra Lite)
Hand-Held Ray Tubes (BCX Ultra Deluxe only)
Plasma Carrier Modulator (AC Radio Frequencies (RF), Conduction, Electromagnetic (EM), Electric Field (E-Field), Ultra-red (UR), Visible, & Ultra-violet (UV) Light)
Beam Tube High Powered Plasma (BT-HFPCM2)
Plasma Carrier Modulator (AC Radio Frequencies (RF),
Conduction, Electromagnetic (EM), Electric Field (E-Field),
Ultra-red (UR), Visible,   Ultra-violet (UV) Light)
Vortex (BCX Ultra Deluxe only)
Plasma Carrier Modulator (AC Radio Frequencies (RF), Conduction, Electromagnetic (EM), Electric Field (E-Field), Ultra-red (UR), Visible, & Ultra-violet (UV) Light)
PEMF MAT and PEM Concentrator (BCX Ultra Deluxe only)
PEMF emiting devices
FIR MAT (BCX Ultra Deluxe only)
Far Infrared Heat Mat emiting device
LED Wands (Standard) (BCX Ultra Deluxe only)
Light Emitting Device
LED Wands (High Powered) (BCX Ultra Deluxe only)
Light Emitting Device
Beam Tube High Frequency EFG (BT-HFEFG (BCX Ultra Deluxe only))
Electric Field Generator
1 Hz up to 4 Million Hz
frequency range dependent upon accessory
Carrier Wave:
1 Hz up to 4 Milion Hz
carrier range dependent upon accessory
Wave Types:
Squarewave, Sinewave, Square Sweep, Trapezoid, Triangle, Hoyland, Linear Ramp Up, Linear Ramp Down, Exponential Ramp Up, Exponential Ramp Down, Equal Odd Order Harmonics, Equal Even Order Harmonics, Custom 1 Custom 2, Custom 3
1236 Internal non-volatile (User re-nameable)
255 User Configurable(Completely configurable including name)
Duty Cycle, Modulation & Gate
Variable Duty Cycle 1 to 100% 1 to 10,000 Hz
Squarewave, Sinewave, Square Sweep, Trapezoid, Triangle, Hoyland, Linear Ramp Up, Linear Ramp Down, Exponential Ramp Up, Exponential Ramp Down, Equal Odd Order Harmonics, Equal Even Order Harmonics, Custom 1 Custom 2, Custom 3
Chain up to 100 Programs Repeat programs for unlimited program run time
• 2 Fully independent Frequency Sweep functions
• Sweep Carrier, Frequency, or Both at the same time
• Sweep Carrier, Frequency, or Both at the same time
• Synchronize 2 Sweeps
• Sweep Up, Sweep Down, or Sweep Up/Down
• Programmable Sweep Duration 1 to 120 Seconds
• Programmable Sweep Increments 0.00001 Hz to 1 mHz (dependent upon frequency)
• Repeating Sweeps up to 2 Hours (indefinitely w program Chain)
3 years, after 3 years customer pays repairs
Money-back guarantee:
60-day, 10% restock fee
See our return policy for more details.

click on image for detailed specs pemf specs

Demo Videos

How to Run BCX Ultra Deluxe Rife machine (full video)

BCX Ultra Deluxe Rife machine with BCX Beamtube - In Action

Hand Held Ray Tubes Power Increases When Touched!

BCX Ultra Demo - Raytubes w Electrodes


Testimonials From Our Customers

His Fibromyalgia is Gone

First: My partner R. Waters used the machine and his sequences twice and his Fibromyalgia is gone. He has had constant pain from this disease for seven years now and all day every day. On a pain scale it was 7 out of ten. Two treatments and this pain is gone, it has been over 10 days now. Read Full Testimonial

C. Forrest
Can't Be More Thankful

We have just finished our 'free session' with Mark. He is a pleasure to deal with. Our daughter Keleigh has been struggling with Lyme disease for in excess of 7 years to the extent that her life has become very limited. Mark took a significant  amount of time to understand all the Lyme challenges that she has faced. Read Full Testimonial

Its Flowing & Working

Hi Mark, I have been following the protocol and I'm making improvement. I urinate without any trouble now and most of the time with better flow. I'm still up usually every 1.5 to 2 hrs at night to urinate. During the day I go much longer between urinations. Read Full Testimonial

Steven L.
Asset to Your Team

My name is Crystal and I purchased a BCX Deluxe unit off of your company. As part of our purchase, as you know, we were gifted a session with the wonderful Jim Dier. I must apologize for my late review submission. Read Full Testimonial

Health Goals are Attainable!

My wife and I have been married for over 50 years and staying healthy as we get older is our prime concern. We have experienced first hand the effects of using "Rife" frequencies in agriculture! Read Full Testimonial

W. B.
Have Done Wonders

The practitioner sessions with Mark W. have done wonders for the side effects of the penny that was lodged in the left nasal cavity causing heavy metal poisoning. I have been suffering for 53/54 years, allopathic doctors have been unable to diagnose or treat. Read Full Testimonial

S. L.


Policies & Disclaimers?



The BCX Ultra Plasma Frequency Instrument is not approved by the F.D.A. as a Medical Device. They are experimental electronic instruments. They are not intended for the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, cure or mitigation of any disease in humans. They are not designed to affect the structure or function of any system in the body. If you have a health-related condition that requires medical attention, always consult with a licensed health care professional. NOTE: You should realize though, that you do have LEGAL Rights to self-medicate under the 9th Amendment of the United States Constitution.


DO NOT use ANY Electrotherapy Device, if you have a Cardiac Pacemaker or Internal Defibrillator. DO NOT use ANY Electrotherapy Device, if you are a Pregnant, have Heart Disease, are driving or are using HAZARDOUS Machinery. These Devices should also be kept out of reach of Children. DO NOT place Electrode Pads over Skin Lesions, Abrasions, NEW Scars, Cuts, Eruptions, or Sunburn. DO NOT advance Output Amplitude to UNCOMFORTABLE Levels. DO NOT fall asleep, while using. * If you feel Sluggish, Faint, Dizzy, Headachy, Nauseous, or have Flu-like Symptoms after Exposures, REDUCE Number of Pulses per Session and/or SHORTEN Session Times. Use CAUTION, if you have IMPAIRED Kidney or Liver Function. Use CAUTION, if you have Metal Implant. Someone, although rare, may feel a sensation where the metal implant is located. However, they opt to run the freqs because the sensation is less bothersome than the problem.

Warranty Guarantee & Return Policy

Systems Unlimited warrants your BCX Ultra Deluxe & Lite unit & BCX Accessory electronic boxes (PEMF box, FIR Box, Beamtube) to be free of defects in material and workmanship under normal use for three year from date of purchase, parts and labor included & 30 days for BCX Accessories. Customer will be responsible for shipping fees incurred when mailing the instrument to the engineer for repairs. Systems Unlimited will be responsible for shipping fees incurred when mailing the instrument back to the customer while under warranty within the US. Any unauthorized repairs or modifications are not covered under this warranty. Any unauthorized component that is not manufactured or approved by the BCX manufacturer used on the BCX unit will void the warranty.
Contents of package upon arrival must be inspected upon receipt and report any broken glass tubes within the first 24 hours of delivery. Tubes with broken glass will not be covered by this warranty beyond the first 24 hours of delivery.

60-day money back guarantee from purchase date if you are not completely satisfied with your BCX Deluxe & Lite Unit less 10% restock fee of purchase price & shipping. If canceled before order is shipped or if returned unopened within 14 days from ship date, there will be cc fees + shipping (if shipped) applied to refund. If any items are returned damaged then additional fees may be applied. Items must be returned within the 60 days from purchase date. Returns must be first authorized and a RMA# issued.

Lifetime Warranty Upgrade (Optional)
For $350, you can upgrade to a Lifetime warranty on the BCX unit (not accessories). Lifetime warranty includes the first 3 years warranty that comes with the unit (not accessories) and if there is a mechanical failure with the unit you pay for shipping to us, we cover labor and parts and we pay for return shipping. After the 3 years you pay for shipping both ways and we cover labor and parts. For International addresses the customer pays for shipping both ways and we cover labor and parts for both the 3 years and lifetime warranty. Lifetime upgrade must be done at the time of purchase and is not transferrable to a new owner.

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BCX Ultra Accessories



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