Sonix Life™ - "Sonic Whole Body Vibration Machine"
The Sonix uses an innovative unique technology using a speaker system with magnetic circuits resulting in a natural vertical plane of motion.
Disclaimer: These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
The Sonix uses an innovative unique technology using a speaker system with magnetic circuits resulting in a natural vertical plane of motion.
• Improves muscle flexibility, strength, & toning
• Improves coordination & balance
• Helps w post ACL repair
• Enhances body posture
• Enhances body's circulation & oxygenation
• Helps w blood pressure
• Boosts HGH and Testosterone levels
• Decreases Cortisol levels (stress related hormone)
• Increases tendon strength and bone density
• Increases weight loss
• Helps with neurological conditions i.e. Parkinson's
• Reduces stifness & back
• Reduces stress effects
• Increases production of collagen
• Reduces cellulite
• Improves injuries
• Works all the major muscle groups
• Improves drainage of lymphatic system
The Sonix uses an innovative unique technology using a speaker system with magnetic circuits resulting in a natural vertical plane of motion.
What are the Contraindications & Effects of the Sonic Life machine?
This below list of contraindications is not absolute and we advise that you consult with a physician before using the Sonix. If you have any heath concerns not listed, always consult a physician stating that you wish to start a sonic vibration exercise regiment which vibrates in a vertical plane of 3hz to 50 Hz and has an adjustable intensity (rate at which the plate vibrates up and down). Your body may endure between negative and positive 3 Gs of force for up to 10 minutes. This can be equivalent to 1 hour of cardio.
• Pregnancy
• Acute thrombosis
• Serious cardiovascular disease
• Pacemaker
• Recent wounds from an operation or surgery
• Recent Hip and knee implants
• Acute hernia, discopathy, spondylolysis
• Severe diabetes
• Epilepsy
• Recent infections
• Severe migraines
• Tumors
• Recently placed IUDs, metal pins, or plates
• Electrolyte imbalance
Research is still being conducted on the effects of vibration on certain medical conditions. Very frail individuals and children should consult their physician and be accompanied by an adult when using the Sonix.
Children using SWBV -. It is advisable for young children to use under 3-4 min at 50% or less amplitude (low intensity setting or Manual mode at low frequency).
Should I take off my shoes when using the Sonix?
Yes. To get the best results from you Sonix experience you should be barefoot or wearing socks. Shoes can block some of the vibrations from going through your body. Also by not having your shoes on your body will be in a more natural position.
How should I be stand while using the Sonix?
While on the Sonix, stand tall holding your shoulders back, head up looking forward, breathing deeply. This places your body posture in a neutral weight distribution for the best overall affect.
How can I increase the effects of the Sonix?
Flex and tense muscles in various isometric contractions while on the Sonix. The stimulation of the fast twitch muscle response is the natural process of the Sonix using the weight of the cell in gravity. To get even faster results, flex and hold different muscle contractions.
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe! Breathe deeply to increase Oxygen flow which helps to burn the large number of calories being spent.
Should I ease my way slowly into using the Sonix?
Yes, start slowly. Start with the 10 minute program, or even less. The body fluid movement from your Sonix exercise is going to stimulate your body to detoxify. You can slowly add in another 10 minute session, or use the Sonix machine several times a day up to 3 x 20min sessions.
Can I use the Sonix if I’m EMF Sensitive?
There are different types of EMF. Incoherent EMF is made up of random frequencies (Like microwaves, and wireless phones ) which are not so good. Coherent frequency is for example a sound wave, a single tone, or a sound in its self. Our Sonix technology emits a single wave form that is Coherent. Incoherent random waves can affect the electromagnetic sensitive people.
What is the Sonix max G-force and amplitude?
The max G-force is 3Gs and the max amplitude is 22mm. The Sonix is sound actuated functioning in a true sine wave. Mechanical and non-sonic machines are square or saw tooth wave which creates a jarring cellular stressor from the change in the direction of the motor.
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