detox footbath

OPTIMUM Detox Footbaths – Comparisons

Optimum 1
Optimum 2
IonizeMe Maxx
Optimum 9
Optimum 3
Optimum 4
Detox Spa
Optimum 4a
Body Balance System
Optimum 5
Optimum 6
Energy Spa
Optimum 7
Aqua Detox
Optimum 8
AMP 3.00-5.5 Amps 1.4-2.50 Amps 2.50 Amps IonizeMe,
5.00 Amps IonizeMe5
2.5 Amps 2.5 Amps 1.4 Amps - - - -
FREQ. HZ 10,000 HZ 47-63HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ - - - -
WATT ES1550 60w,
ES8000 150w,
ES9800 300w
(not disclosed)
400 watts
(this is false)
(not disclosed)
(not disclosed)
- - - -
VOLT Output up to 24v DC Output 20-volt DC Output 20v DC Unknown
(not disclosed)
(not disclosed)
110v only - - - -
110V-220V 110v-220v International use w built-in converter, works anywhere 110-240v 110V only Does not work Internationally 110V-220V Separate machines for 110v or 220v 110v only
Separate machines
Output 12 volt DC - - - -
Polarity Single Dual
**false Marketing Gimmick see why?
Single Single Single Single - - - -
Control Current Yes Our Current Control Knob
increases or decreases Amperage.
Amperage is how strong the footbath is.
No Salt is their only mechanism to increase amperage.
If too much salt, you have to throw out the bath
water & restart over since you are not able to
take the salt out of the water to reduce the Amperage.
Salt should NOT be the mechanism to control Amperage.
No Salt is their only mechanism to increase amperage.
If too much salt, you have to throw out the bath water &
restart over since you are not able to take the salt
out of the water to reduce the Amperage.
Salt should NOT be the mechanism to control Amperage.
No Salt is their only mechanism to increase amperage.
If too much salt, you have to throw out the bath water &
restart over since you are not able to take the salt
out of the water to reduce the Amperage.
Salt should NOT be the mechanism to control Amperage.
Yes No Salt is their only mechanism to increase amperage.
If too much salt, you have to throw out the bath water &
restart over since you are not able to take the salt
out of the water to reduce the Amperage.
Salt should NOT be the mechanism to control Amperage.
- - - -
Water Array Large plates w more surface area to increase reaction w electrons & water molecules

Plates are bolted in for better conductivity vs slide in coil connectors

High Grade Stainless Steal w thicker plates to last longer

Cost $49,

50-60 baths(**note: since more current runs through our array, more ions are being produced. If we ran less current through our array we could easily get a 100 baths).
Square & slide in plates w a coil connection
(less conductivity w coil connectors),
replacement rings $80
Low grade stainless steal, breaks down quickly,
commonly used array by many cheap footbath
units & made in China
Disposable, only 2 rings
(less corona effect), cost is $90
The Aquachi rings get ~14 baths.

Our comparison showed that the cost of the
AquaChi was $3.74 per footbath.
This was calculated by determining the total cost
of the water element, rings, cables, etc to be
replaced in a 1 year time frame, then dividing
it by about 90 footbaths in a yr.
Low grade thin stainless steal, breaks down quickly - - - -
Warranty 3 yrs 3 yr 5 yrs 1 yr 4 yrs 5 yrs - - - -
Power Unit OPTIMUM has built both performance and safety
into our newest generation of machines.
Learn more about our technology.
Not much information disclosed Not much information disclosed Not much information disclosed It is using a Transformer Rectifier concept
technology which is a technology from the 1950s/60s.
This technology also produces a higher EMF leakage.
None. Literally their power supply cord
wires connect directly to their plates with NO
no protective safety mechanism, no controller,
no circuit board, no foldback, no insulation and
even worse are not grounded. Simply just a timer
that just turns on/off. Straight current.. Scary!
- - - -
Display Digital Digital Digital Analog Analog No Display - - - -
Cost $995 Home unit,
$1355 Single Pro unit,
$1995 Dual Pro unit
$1995-$2895 $467-$1185 $1880 $1395-$1595 $109 - - - -
Comments Why the Optimum Units are superior to any other unit out there,
Key concepts, FAQ, & details

** NO other unit has a Foldback Safety Mechanism.
If you take the array out of the water, our unit shuts off the current.
When submerged back in to the water, our units turn back on the current.
If there is a power surge, our unit will rebalance
the current to bring it back in to range.
NO other unit does this.
Other units will either blow a fuse or damage their unit.
The AMD IonCleanse promotes a dual
reversible polarity machine based on someone's PH level.
This reversing of polarity releases the positively entrapped heavy metal
ions that are collected on the cathodes within the water element
which can go back in to the body. The polarity has no effect on the body's PH.

Our machine does not switch polarity which releases the impurities
from the positive (anode) plates & releasing them.
The body's PH begins to balance out naturally from the OH-
because the body is cleansing itself of the impurities not due to the
process of reversing the polarity of the plates.

Unless the water is physically extracted at the
anode or cathode you cannot alter the PH.

Only goes as high as 1.4 AMPS. There is no welded connector for
the plates in the water module, they are slide in, there by the conductivity
is not as strong as if it were welded. It runs at 60Hz frequency.

They state they have FCC approval. This is a rating for radio
communications from the Federal Communications Commission
to see if there is any radio interference (why?).
  • No ability to control current
  • Plastic tub (no conductivity) reducing ORP
  • Cheap water array with low conductivity
    due to slide in plates with a coil connector.
    This is a typical water array made in China.
FALSE statement: You can't have a 400 watt power.
Footbath power supplies operate with an AC input and they consume
power from where they are plugged into the wall From the wall you
get 117 VAC (volts AC). The outputs are DC.

The following is relative to the output of the electronics boxes.
We can produce up to 24 VDC (volts dc) and deliver 6.25 amps,
the formula for determining Power (measured in watts) is P=IE (I is the current expressed in amps, E is the voltage expressed in volts)

P = I E
P = 6.25 x 24
P = 150 watts

The Aqua Chi only goes as high as 2.5 AMPs.
It is using a Transformer Rectifier concept technology which
is a technology from the 1950s/60s.

The water module requires manual replacement of the plates
using a coil connecter which is not a strong as a welded connection.
The unit is large & heavy. The AMP reading is analog reading not digital.
It runs at 60Hz frequency.
These units are made in China and are a generic brand that
is sold thru many companies. They literally just have a power supply cord
that is connected thru wires directly to their plates!

There is NO control unit, power unit, no safety mechanism,
weak power, no circuit board, no foldback,
no insulation and even worse are not grounded.

There simply is just a timer that just shuts it off
like a an on/off button. Straight current.. Scary
- - - -
Training Certification Yes At Home Yes At a training facility No No No No - - - -
General Comparisons - -
  • No ability to control current
  • Plastic tub (no conductivity) reducing ORP
  • Cheap water array with low conductivity
    due to slide in plates with a coil connector.
    This is a typical water array made in China.
- - - The BBS is a low amperage system with no ability to control current.
  • No ability to control current
  • Low Amperage
  • Water module is square shaped plates that do not
    create the same corona effect as the ring design
  • Low current delivered to water module for a lower
    cubic per meter rate reducing ORP
  • Plastic tub (no conductivity)
EB305/EBPro: The EBPro is battery operated & needs charging.
The highest voltage of ion being produced is only about .4 volts
(approximately 1/2 a volt). Our machine running just at 1.5 Amps
generates approximately 14-15 volt ion. That is about 14-15 times higher.
Our Optimum ES8000i Professional footbath runs as high as 5.5 Amps so the
voltage of ion goes up as you move up in amperage.

  • No ability to control current
  • Dual Polarity
  • Low Amperage
  • Low current delivered to water module for a
    lower cubic per meter rate reducing ORP
  • Water module is a tube inside a tube reducing
    the corona effect. (less ions/ ORP)
  • Need to charge battery to operate
  • Plastic tub (no conductivity)
BEST uses old analog Transformer fuse box (technology from the 50s.)
Refer to the Aquachi system comparison since these 2 systems are very similar.
The AquaDetox is a low amperage system with no ability to control current.
  • No ability to control current
  • Dual Polarity
  • Low Amperage
  • Water module is built in to tub, not able to place in full bath tub
  • Low current delivered to water module for a
    lower cubic per meter rate reducing ORP
  • Plastic tub (no conductivity)
  • Cheap water module with low conductivity due to slide
    in plates with a coil connector. This is a typical water module
    produced in china.
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