BCX ULTRA Rife Machine - Lite Unit

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ultra lite unit

BCX Ultra Lite is the combination of BCX Ultra Deluxe unit + HFPCM2 High Powered beam tube & runs BCX electrodes simultaneously (footplates, cylinders, gel pads, microcurrent garments **sold separately). The Lite does not run the other BCX accessories just electrodes.
BCX Ultra Lite Unit (110-220v, 4Mhz, 150 watts) w DVD, Manual, 3yr wrnty, 60day return
w BT-HFPCM2 High Powered Plasma Beam Tube
OPTION: Add Std Electrode Access pkg: Brass Cylinders, SS Footplates, Gel Pads ($200)
OPTION: Microcurrent Garment Access pkg: Knee, Elbow, Gloves, & Socks ($250)
OPTION: Upg to Life Warranty (only $350)


Generates Plasma discharge, minor Electric Field

Noble Gas:
Argon, krypton, xenon, neon, NO helium.
1Hz to 4 MHz
1Hz to 4 MHz
Wave Types:
23 wave types
Square, sine, pulsating square etc.
Duty Cycle/Gating:
Variable Duty Cycle 1 to 100%, 1 to 10,000 Hz.
over 1300 prestored, 250 custom.
Chain up to 100 Programs, Repeat for unlimited run time.
Sweep Carrier, Frequency, or Both at the same time.
Tube Type:
Double bubble.
Plasma beam tube built-in.
Add-on Accessories:
Std electrodes (metal footplates, metal accessories, gel pads) & microcurrent garments.
Power Output:
125 microjoules/pulse, 150 watts
*Warning: Don't be fooled by "Peak" Power Claims. Some manufactures claim power output in Peak Power watts which is invalid. Peak power is at the time of start-up in a bleap of a moment & is not continuous power. more details.. .

pemf specs
click on image for detailed specs


BCX Ultra Rife Machine


LONGEST PRODUCING RIFE MANUFACTURER, over 26+yrs starting w the Biotec 2000,BCX211/BCX411. Each year we invest thousands in R & D. We stand behind our products w our 60 day return & 3 yr warranty (upgrade to Life). Our units are produced & serviced in USA. Some rife devices are made & serviced in China. 

TECHNOLOGY: We use Crystal circuitry board technology to get an exact frequency and we have the fastest surge rate of any unit. BCX Ultra: 150ns 1Hz to 4MHz . What does a faster surge rate translate to? It means better results for killing off organisms.

INDIVIDUALLY CALIBRATED: Flawless craftsmanship & built with top quality parts. BCX products are made in the USA. Our technicians test & calibrate each unit before it is shipped to you. We ensure the BCX Ultra devices have the highest accuracy & resolution as detailed in our technical specs for all BCX products including BCX accessories.



WAVE TYPES: Widest Range of Wave Types including our exclusive Square 'Pulse' Wave. Wave Types are imperative to kill of organisms and here is why details . No other rife machine has this many. Our unique 'Square Pulse Wave' pulses a Square Wave. We have found this to be more effective than a Standard Square Wave with better results being seen with pathogens die off.

HOW BCX ULTRA GENERATES WAVEFORMS: (no other rife does) A fundamental difference w BCX Ultra & other rifes is how the BCX generates waveforms. They use DSP (only produces Squarewaves & round off for Sinewave). The BCX Ultra uses entirely different electronics with 3 Microprocessors each creating an Arbitrary Waveform (exact creation of naturally occurring & incidentally occurring waveforms)

HIGH FREQUENCY RANGE: The BCX Runs ALL ORIGINAL RIFE Frequencies. BCX Ultra runs from 1Hz up to 4MHz for both the Frequency & Carrier Wave. If a rife device does not have a radio carrier wave then it cannot run Rife's Original frequencies. NOTE: 4MHz is enough to run ALL Rife's Original & Current Day Frequencies

RADIO CARRIER WAVE: Carrier Wave & Gating Wave. A Radio Carrier wave is absolutely necessary in order to carrier the frequency wave deep in to the body. If a unit does not have a Radio Carrier wave then it is not as effective and cannot run Rife's Original frequencies. Royal Rife's unit used a powerful Radio Carrier wave.

BCX Ultra Waves

BCX Ultra Accessories


Accessories: Widest Range of POWERFUL Accessories both inductive & conductive. BCX accessories range from Plasma, Leds, PEMF, FIR, Facelift, Microcurrent, & Electrodes. We have the most powerful beam tube on the market outputting 150 watts! No other rife machine has this many accessories.

Plasma Raytubes: Our unique well known powerful Plasma Raytubes uses both conduction, induction & plasma gas, a powerful combination details w video. Our raytubes are made w noble gases (a proprietary mix of argon, krypton, xenon, neon). We do NOT use helium. A helium molecule is so small, the helium gas leaks from the glass tubes diminishing the power & light causing the tube to not last. We have done extensive research to come up w the proper gas mix to produce the optimal results & durability.

Run 3 Accessories: Exciting WIDEST Variety of Rife Accessories that connect w the BCX Ultra. You can combine up to 2 electrodes along w any other BCX accessory! No other rife device can do this. The BCX Ultra Lite can run electrodes & microcurrent garments simultaneously w the plasma tube.



Amplifier: Amplifier &  Frequency Generator are both built-in to our BCX Ultra unit. Our previous models were built separately. Some rife devices are cumbersome and have the unit and amplifier as 2 seperate units making it large and clugey or they simply dont have much power.

Sophisticated CHAINING: Select multiple programs to run per session. Great for running while you are sleeping and practitioners.

Sophisticated SWEEP both Carrier & Frequency  plus more (for more click on the section "Why BCX Sweep? ).

BCX Ultra Delivery Method: The BCX Ultra uses both induction & conduction methods for delivering rife frequencies used by Royal Rife and business partners (John Crane and John Marsh). For more details click on Learn More - Why Plasma Raytubes vs Electrodes.

BCX Ultra Features

BCX Ultra Support


Lifetime Support & FREE Practitioner Session w access to our Rife practitioners

Money-back Guarantee: 60 day Return, 3yr warranty (upgrade to Life) details

Upgrades: Any Software Upgrades, just send in your unit to get the latest &  greatest.


It is very important that the unit you choose has plasma ray tubes. Royal R. Rife used ray tubes and so did Hoyland. A unit that has plasma ray tubes can go a lot higher in power and a deeper more powerful penetration.  

2 types of plasma tubes: A hand held plasma ray tube has direct contact with the body and is meant to go into the body vs. the stand-alone plasma ray beam tube which radiates out into the air .
• The plasma ray tubes use a higher voltage than electrical conductive devices (ie metal electrode accessories) to push the frequencies deeper into the body using photons (light) as a carrier vs electrons (current). There is also the magnetic effect produced by gas filled tubes (that can be tested) especially when combined with Radio RF Carrier wave penetrating deep into the body.
•  The stand-alone ray beam tubes which can go higher in power however you have the distance factor and typically outputs in a 360 degree radius. Even though the stand alone ray beam tubes are higher in power than a hand held ray tube, it is suggested you be near the tubes to get better results.
•  The hand held plasma ray tubes conduct the RF frequency and audio range frequency into the body. With conductors (that is completing the circuit when you hold both glass tubes) you are guaranteeing to complete the circuit through your body..


Our High Powered High Frequency beam tube is a stand-alone device. The number one reason people use this device is that they are hands free and is perfect for use while sleeping or running on multiple people. This device runs all of our built in prestored programs, sweeping programs and Rife's original frequencies since it runs the full range of BCX Ultra frequencies and carrier wave (4 million hz!). Another reason is because of it is power, 150 watts!

BCX Ultra BT-HFPCM2 seeing RF (Radio Frequencies) by Agilent Spectrum Analyzer in the air through a Radio Antenna: (BT-HFPCM2 is 4MHz)

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Read actual email submissions from other very satisfied customers.

I Knocked out MRSA & Staph .. no Antiobiotics!

I have seem amazing results using the microcurrent facelift wands. I have one eyelid and eye brow drooping lower than the other. With using the facelift microcurrent wands it raised it and is now even. I had cheeks starting to droop around the corners of the mouth and this has lifted dramatically. I am seeing less wrinkles around my eyes and forehead. I love it!! OH yes and then a byproduct of the treatments my vision improved and I had to lower the contact prescription 3 times! Read Full Testimonial


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BCX Ultra Accessories



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